Set in motion your Payment Gateway or Wallet Services today
Deploy Skypaygate ultimate payment software solutions to start your EMI or PSP business
Ultimate management system
Multi-currency environment
Flexible API
Smart routing
Flexible fee engine
Wide range of options to manage fees for the different services and between different types of users allows you to build competitive and attractive loyalty programs.
Increase revenue potentials by
3 weeks
White label setup time
First integration APIs are crucial to estimate the setup deadlines but we have performed numerous of them to state that your White Label setup timeline will be squeezed to minimum.
Up to
Anti Fraud Tools
Our latest anti-fraud tools allow you to avoid a large number of fraudulent transactions by setting them specifically tailored to your case manner.
more than 90 filters to double your efficiency
Pick Your Way
Operate successfully by adopting our payment software system to your business requirements and scale up!
Exclusively, we have a special option to arrange your multi unit business in one solution to take over the entire business online.
Choose the list of necessary functionalities to start running your business and adjust others on demand. Let us help you to set the most adoptive multi-channel platform in accordance with the shape of the business model, in a quick and smooth manner.
are applicable to any payment system
Anti-Fraud Tools
for EMI and Remittance Operators
eWallet Solution
for Exchange Operators, Remittance
Exchange Platform
for payment providers
White Label Payment Gateway